
🌸 Short Case Topics

August 4, 2024
Short Case

Short Case topics # Upper Limb # Axillary lumps Claw hand Dequervain’s Tenosynovitis Elbow lumps Forearm lumps Nerve injuries Wrist drop Wrist lumps ganglion Subungual lesions Lower Limb # AV malformation - popliteal fossa Bunion Buttock, thigh, and calf lumps CTEV (Congenital Talipes Equinovarus) Femoral hernia Foot ulcer Genu valgus Ingrowing toenail Knee lumps Neuropathic sole ulcer Slipped upper femoral epiphysis Neck # Anterior triangle lump (Carotid triangle / sternomastoid) Carotid body tumour CDH (Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia) Cervical rib Goitre / solitary nodule Midline neck lump Posterior triangle lump Submandibular lump Suprasternal / supraclavicular lump Chest and Abdominal Wall # Chest wall lesions Pancoast lump Vesicular eruptions of chest Abdominal mass Incisional hernia Inguinal hernia PUH (Paraumbilical Hernia) Hand and Wrist # Mallet finger Pointing index Tendon injuries Volkmann’s ischaemic contracture Wasting of small muscles Head and Face # Carcinoma of maxillary sinus Facial lumps Parotid lump Proptosis Retension cyst in the mouth Scalp lump - bony / soft Oral / tongue ulcer Breast and Trunk # Breast lump / gynaecomastia Hydradenitis Bone and Joint # Bone tumour Complicated fracture POP (Plaster of Paris) External fixator Myositis ossificans Osteosarcoma Amputation stump Halux valgus Skin and Soft Tissue # Bursae Cystic hygroma Dermoid cyst Digital gangrene Dry gangrene Hydradenitis Keloid / hypertrophic scar Lipoma Neurofibroma Sebaceous cyst Skin lesions - melanoma/squamous ca/basal cell ca Soft Tissue Sarcoma External angular lumps Vascular # False aneurysm Pseudoaneurysm / AVF Varicose veins Genitourinary # Penile CA (Carcinoma) Scrotal lump - Hydrocele, epididymal cyst Scrotal lump - spermatocele, varicocele, tumour Undescended testes Cryptorchidism

🌼 Long Case Topics

August 4, 2024
Long Case

Longcase Topics # GI # Anaemia Anorexia & weight loss Bleeding PR / Altered bowel habits / Malaena with SOB Dyspeptic symptoms / epigastric pain Dysphagia - achalasia of cardia / Ca oesophagus / Benign strictures Enterocutaneous fistula Epigastric / RHC mass - Liver Ca, Pancreas CA, Pseudocyst, Gastric CA Haematemesis / malaena / Portal hypertension Intestinal obstruction Obstructive jaundice - Gall stones / CA pancreas / Strictures / compression RIF / LIF mass Stomach - carcinoma / PUD Vascular # Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Chronic limb ulcer PVD Unilateral limb swelling POAD - Peripheral occlusive arterial disease Onco Breast Thyroid # Backache / Low back pain Breast CA - axillary lumps Goitre / Solitary nodule Cancer of unknown primary (CUP) - Cervical LN, Bone Iiry, Liver mets, ascites, pathological fracture GU # Haematuria Loin mass / pain LUTS / BPH Urinary fistula Young hypertensive

🍔 Common Topics

August 4, 2024
Long Case

Common Topics # Trauma # Blunt trauma - abdomen Chest trauma Chest wall and contents - injury Crush injury - pelvis Haematuria following blunt trauma ITU - indications for managing a surgical patient ITU - indications for nursing a patient in Missile injury - limb: neurovascular bundle intact Stab injury - trunk General Surgery # Abdominal Surgery # Abdominal TB CBD Stone - Modern Management Cholecystitis - Aetiology and Diagnosis Large Bowel Obstruction - Malignant, Management of Low Urine Output 24 Hours After Major Abdominal Surgery Pancreatitis - Acute, Complications Sigmoid Volvulus Hernias # Femoral Hernia - Strangulated Incisional Hernias - Factors That Influence the Development Inguinal Hernia Repair - Laparoscopic Method Neck Surgery # Anterior Triangle of the Neck - Lump In Hypotension - Acute Occurring After 3 Days of Block Dissection of the Neck Parotid Area - Differential Diagnosis of Lump In Parotidectomy Consent Submandibular Salivary Gland Swelling Thyroglossal Tract Anomaly Breast & Endocrine Surgery # Lumps in the Breast Solitary Thyroid Nodule Thyroid - Clinically Solitary Nodule Thyroid - Medullary Carcinoma Thyroid Carcinoma Diagnosis Thyroidectomy Complications Urological Surgery # Circumcision Scrotal Swelling in the Adult Torsion of the Testis Wound and Skin Management # Burns - Management Skin Defects Management Ulceration of Finger - One Hand Wound Healing - Factors That Delay Wound Infection - Prevention Trauma and Emergency Surgery # Fall on Outstretched Hand Ventilation - Assisted Role in the Management of Major Trauma Surgical Techniques and Instruments # Biopsy - Techniques with Their Indications and Limitations Diathermy Diathermy - Complications in Open Surgery Laparoscopy in General Surgery Local Anaesthesia - Techniques Used Operating Theatre - Preventing Inadvertent Harm to the Patient OT - Preparation of Surgical Instruments Stents RCT - Principles, Design Surgical Management and Considerations # Audit - Surgical Blood - Minimizing the Use of Bank Blood for Major Surgery Computers in Surgery - Role of Day Case Surgery - AD/DA Ethical Committee - Composition and Function MRSA - Steps to Be Taken in Managing in the Ward Surgical Operation - Factors Contributing to a Shorter Hospital Stay Postoperative Care # Haemorrhage Post-Op Complications Pyrexia - Post-Op Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Issues # Dysphagia - Diagnosis and Causes Perianal Pain - Diagnosis and Management Rectal Bleeding - Fresh Miscellaneous # CTS HIV/HBV Infection Precautions When Operating On Immunosuppressive Therapy Radioisotope Bone Scanning - Diagnostic Uses Salivary Calculi Ulnar Nerve Injury - Causes and Clinical Features Cardiac Problem Assessment in a Patient Needing Major Surgery GI Surgery # Anal fissure Anal pain in adults Anastomotic breakdown - GI - factors affecting Bowel diseases - inflammatory, irritable Colonic diverticular disease Crohn’s disease GI tract manifestations Gastrointestinal bleeding - methods of localizing GI haemorrhage - arrest of GORD Haematemesis Pancreatic neoplasms - non-endocrine presentation Pancreatitis - acute, assessment of severity GU Surgery # Haematuria Prostate cancer - presentation Renal - unilateral hydronephrosis / hydroureter Ureter in solitary kidney - management of obstruction Urethra - rupture of the membranous urethra Urethral catheterization - long-term sequelae Urinary incontinence - mechanisms Urinary retention - acute Urological investigation - ultrasound in Urological investigations - place for ultrasound Undescended testis Neurosurgery # Cerebral metastases EDH Head injury after RTA Oncosurgery # Basal cell carcinoma Breast cancer - adjuvant therapy Breast cancer - female Breast cancer - management of malignant pleural effusions Hypercalcaemia associated with malignant disease In situ cancer - definition and discussion of examples Malignant melanoma Radiotherapy for cancer - complications Rectal cancer - palliative treatment Teratoma of the testis Tongue and cheek - leukoplakia Orthopedic Surgery # Bone metastases - diagnosis of Closed fracture Colles fracture Complicated femoral fracture Compound complicated fracture Femoral fracture proximal 1/3 in the elderly Fracture - methods of internal fixation Fracture in the lower limb - vascular complications Joint replacement - total - prevention of complications Knee joint - penetrating injury Open midshaft fracture of the tibia Paget’s disease of the bone Pyogenic arthritis Radial fracture - distal Shoulder - acute dislocation Shoulder anterior dislocation Spinal injury - T/L junction Supracondylar fracture Supracondylar fracture of the humerus in children Thoracolumbar spinal injury Pediatric Surgery # Airway obstruction - acute in a child CDH in children CTEV DDH (CDH) Inguinal hernia in a 9-month-old boy Pyloric stenosis - congenital hypertrophic Vomiting - projectile Plastic and Thoracic Surgery # Wounds involving significant loss of skin Pneumothorax - spontaneous Vascular Surgery # AAA surgery - common major perioperative complications Amputation of lower limb Angioplasty Arterial insufficiency Varicose veins of the lower limb Cervical rib Duplex scan - role in surgery DVT - complications of False aneurysm Intermittent claudication Ischaemic leg Leg ulcers - diagnosis and assessment excluding treatment Lower limb ischaemia Lower limb - chronic unilateral swelling PVD Trap gun injury - popliteal artery damage Varicose veins Vascular surgery (peripheral) thrombolysis Venous ulcer of the lower limb

🐡 Operative surgery Topics

August 4, 2024
Operative Surgery

General surgery # Abscess # Abscess - breast / parotid / intra-abdominal / perinephric Drainage of pelvic abscess Palmar abscess drainage Pharyngeal abscess drainage Abdominal Procedures # Burst abdomen Fistulectomy Upper GI # Bleeding duodenal ulcer Gastroduodenal perforation Gastrostomy / Gastrojejunostomy / Pyloroplasty Partial gastrectomy Oesophagectomy - approaches Cystogastrostomy Cardiomyotomy Lower GI # Appendicectomy Feeding jejunostomy Ileostomy APR / AR Bowel resection and anastamosis Colostomy Hartmann’s procedure Right / Left Hemicolectomy Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary # Approach to pancreas Pseudopancreatic cyst - cystogastrostomy Whipple’s surgery Cholecystectomy Splenectomy Hernia # Femoral hernia - Low / High / Transinguinal Inguinal hernia Inguinal hernia - Bassini / Shouldice / Mesh Strangulated hernia - inguinal / femoral PUH, Incisional hernia - anatomical / Mayo’s / Mesh Breast & Thyroid # Breast lump excision Mastectomy Subcutaneous Mastectomy Retrosternal thyroid Thyroidectomy Genitourinary # Circumcision Orchidectomy Orchidopexy Varicocele (Evansvich ? ...