πŸ‡ Pyogenic granuloma

Pyogenic granuloma #

  • When the capillary loops grow too vigorously, they may form a protruding mass of tissue that becomes covered with epithelium and is called a pyogenic granuloma.

History #

  • Symptoms
    • history of a minor injury.
    • sometimes following chronic infection eg: paronychia.
  • rapidly growing skin lump.
  • bleeds easily.
  • discharges serous or purulent fluid.
  • double in size in a few days.

Examination #

  • Site - found where injuries are most likely to occur (hands and face).
  • Shape and size
    • They begin as a hemispherical nodule that grows upwards and outwards
  • Surface
    • Before the surface is epithelialized, it has a covering of dried blood or plasma, and bleeds easily.
  • Colour
    • Bright red: At first, they are the bright red colour of healthy granulation tissue
    • Pale pink: but as they get bigger and less vascular, they fade to a pale pink.
    • White: When they become covered with epithelium, they turn pink or white.
  • Tenderness They are sometimes slightly tender.
  • composition - feel soft.
  • Relations - confined to the skin.
  • Natural history
    • nodule begins to shrink.
    • but it rarely completely disappears.
  • Differential diagnosis
    • Squamous carcinoma.
    • Non-pigmented melanoma.
    • Kaposi’s sarcoma.