πŸ”Œ Electrosurgery


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				High fz AC - heat
				Cut coagulate
				DC - heat
			electric current

Introduction #

Definitions #

  • Electrosurgery:
    • Uses high-frequency alternating current (AC) to generate heat,
    • which is used to cut or coagulate tissue.
  • Electrocautery:
    • Uses direct current (DC) to generate heat at the tip of an instrument.

Monopolar #

  • Active Electrode:

    • a small, precise electrode that generates heat at its tip
    • that delivers the high-frequency electrical current to the tissue.
    • allowing for cutting or coagulating tissue at the point of contact.
  • Return Electrode:

    • aka dispersive electrode or grounding pad
    • The larger electrode placed elsewhere on the patient’s body.
    • which safely return the electrical current from the patient back to the electrosurgical unit (ESU).
    • Because of its larger surface area, the current is dispersed over a wide area, minimizing heat production.

Biophysics #

What is Electrical Current? #

  • Electrical Current: The flow of electrons through tissue between adjacent atoms.
  • Heat Generation:
    • As the current flows through tissue, the tissue resists the flow,
    • converting the electrical energy into heat.

Principle of Diathermy #

  • Electrosurgical Unit (ESU): Generates the electrical current used in electrosurgery.
  • Heat Generation:
    • Depends on current density, which is the amount of current applied per ==unit area==.
    • Maximum Heat:
      • Generated where the current density is highest,
      • typically at the tip of the active electrode.
    • Return Electrode:
      • In monopolar circuits, a larger electrode placed in body,
      • dissipating the current and minimizing heat at that site.
  • Temperature Rise is proportional to the time the active electrode is in contact with the tissue.

Frequency of Electrical Current #

  • High-Frequency Current:
    • Used by the ESU, ranging from 200 kHz to 3.3 MHz.
  • Low frequency current:
    • Used by household appliances
    • Using standard AC frequency (60 Hz) would cause unwanted neuromuscular stimulation.

Current Waveforms in Electrosurgery #

1. Cutting Waveform (Low Voltage Continuous Current) #

  • Wave: Continuous, sine wave
  • Time: ESU on 100% of the time.
  • Voltage: low
  • Effects:
    • Cutting:
      • When the active electrode is held slightly away from the tissue,
      • it quickly vaporizes the tissue.
    • Desiccation:
      • When the active electrode touches the tissue directly,
      • it dries out the cells, forming a coagulum.

2. Coagulation Waveform (High Voltage Intermittent Current) #

  • Wave: Intermittent
  • Time: The ESU is on only 6% of the time and off 94%.
  • Voltage: High.
  • Effects:
    • Coagulation:
      • Causes more heat to spread through the tissue,
      • leading to
        • protein denaturation,
        • tissue shrinking, and
        • forming a coagulum.
    • Fulguration (Spray):
      • Creates electrical arcing in coagulation mode that chars tissue over a wide area.
      • Active electrode is held slightly away the tissue
      • uses the highest voltage setting, so caution is needed.

3. Blended Waveform #

  • Wave: Combination of both coagulation and cutting waveform.
  • Time: The ESU is on 50% of the time and off 50%.
  • Voltage: Moderate.
  • Effects:
    • Provides a mix of cutting and coagulation, with varying levels of each.
Waveform TypeTime (ESU Output)VoltageEffects
Cutting WaveformContinuous (100% on)Low- Cutting: Vaporizes tissue when the active electrode is slightly away.
- Desiccation: Dries out tissue to form a coagulum when the active electrode touches the tissue directly.
Coagulation WaveformIntermittent (6% on, 94% off)High- Coagulation: Causes protein denaturation, tissue shrinking, and forms a coagulum due to thermal spread.
- Fulguration (Spray): Electrical arcing chars tissue when the active electrode is slightly away.
Blended Waveform50% on, 50% offModerate- Produces a combination of cutting and coagulation, with varying degrees of each.

Electrosurgical Circuit Types #

1. Monopolar Delivery System #

  • Circuit Flow: ESU β†’ Active Electrode β†’ Target Tissue β†’ Patient’s Body β†’ Return Electrode β†’ ESU
flowchart LR
	A[ESU] --> B[Active Electrode] --> C[Target Tissue] --> D[Patient's Body] --> E[Return 
Electrode] -->|Current Flow| A
  • Key Points for Placing the Return Electrode:

    • Material should be made of low-resistant material.
    • Surface Area should be large.
    • Placement Location:
      • Should be placed over well-vascularized muscle mass, avoiding crossing a joint to maximize conduction of current.
      • Ideally placed in the same quadrant as the operative site to ensure the current travels the shortest distance through the patient’s tissues.
    • Placement Condition: Ensure the electrode is not wrinkled.
    • Avoid:
      • Vascular insufficient areas.
      • High resistance areas (e.g., scar tissue, edematous tissue, bony prominences).
  • Preventing Alternative Current Pathways:

    • Ensure metal prostheses and ECG electrodes are out of the circuit’s direct path.
    • Remove all metal piercings.
    • The patient should not be touching any metal part of the table.
  • Newer ESUs:

    • Feature Contact Quality Monitors (CQM) that shut down the unit if the contact surface area becomes too small.

2. Bipolar Delivery System #

  • Circuit Flow: ESU β†’ Active Tine β†’ Target Tissue (between tines) β†’ Return Tine β†’ ESU**

  • Key Features:

    • Patient’s body does not form part of the circuit.
    • Can be safely used on narrow tissue pedicles (e.g., penis).
      • Monopolar use in such cases may cause high current densities in the pedicle, leading to thermal injury.

Safety Guidelines for Electrosurgical Units (ESU) #

1. Training and usage #

  • Train all team members on the proper use of the ESU.
  • Use the lowest effective power setting to minimize risk.

2. Implants #

Pacemaker Considerations #

  • Avoid using diathermy with patients who have pacemakers.
  • If diathermy is necessary:
    • Prefer bipolar diathermy.
  • If monopolar diathermy must be used:
    • Use short bursts.
    • Place the return electrode as far away as possible from the pacemaker.
  • Intraoperative
    • Ensure continuous ECG monitoring during surgery.
    • Have a defibrillator readily available in the theatre.


Pacemaker settings #
  • Set the pacemaker to “maintain only” mode to prevent inappropriate shock delivery due to electrical interference.
  • In Emergency Surgery If pacemaker settings cannot be adjusted, place a magnet over the ICD to inhibit shock delivery.

Cochlear Implants #

  • Bipolar diathermy should be used.
  • If monopolar diathermy is necessary:
    • Place the return electrode as close as possible to the active electrode.

3. Skin Preparation #

  • Be cautious with spirit-based fluids as they can ignite and cause serious burns.
    • Avoid pooling of fluids in areas such as
      • the umbilicus,
      • under the drapes, or
      • around the return electrode.
    • Allow adequate time for the fluid to dry before proceeding.

Electrosurgery in Endoscopy #

1. Monopolar Snare Polypectomy #

  • Pedunculated Polyps:
    • Use blended mode.
  • Right Colon Polyps:
    • Exercise extreme caution due to the thinner wall, which increases the risk of perforation.

2. Sphincterotomy in ERCP #

  • Active electrode: sphincterotome has a monofilament or braided wire.
  • Ensure short duration of contact time with tissue to minimize damage.

3. Argon Plasma Coagulation (APC) #

  • APC Overview:
    • A form of non-contact monopolar electrosurgery used for coagulation and fulguration.
    • Key Differences from Conventional Fulguration:
      • Utilizes a stream of inert argon gas passing over the tip, which gets ionized, confining the current to pass through the gas and onto the tissue.
      • Allows precision application of current to tissues.


How argon plasma coagulation, coagulate a large area?

  • The current follows the path of least resistance, thus avoiding already coagulated tissue, thus rapidly coagulating a larger area.
  • Uses:
    • Endoscopy Setting:
      • Coagulation of superficial vascular structures (e.g., angiodysplasia).
      • Palliative ablation of tumors.
      • Hemostasis following the resection of large polyps.
    • Operative Setting:
      • Hepatic resection.
      • Retinal surgery.

Tissue Energizers: Advanced Bipolar and Ultrasonic Devices #

1. Advanced Bipolar Devices #

Electrothermal Bipolar Vessel Sealing (EBVS) Devices #

  • Examples: Ligasure, Enseal
  • How they work:
    • Combine bipolar current with mechanical compression
    • Can seal blood vessels up to 7mm in diameter
    • Process:
      1. High frequency, low voltage current denatures vessel wall proteins, elastin and collagen
      2. Mechanical pressure forms a coagulum (seal)
      3. Sensors in tip measure tissue impedance to ensure complete seal
      4. Energy delivery stops automatically when seal is complete
    • Tissue is then cut mechanically

2. Ultrasonic Devices #

Harmonic Scalpel #

  • Converts electrical energy to ultrahigh frequency mechanical energy (55,500 Hz/second)
  • How it works:
    1. Mechanical energy generates heat
    2. Heat denatures proteins, forming a coagulum to seal vessels
    3. Can seal vessels up to 5-7mm
    4. Maximum temperature: 150Β°C (minimizes thermal spread)
  • Cutting mechanisms:
    1. Heat-induced cellular vaporization ("cavitational cutting and fragmentation")
    2. Tissue stretching beyond elastic limit

LOTUS (LaparOscopic dissection by Torsional UltraSound) #

  • Uses torsional ultrasound to minimize “distal drilling effect”

3. Combined Energy Devices #

Thunderbeat #

  • Uses both ultrasonic and bipolar energy
  • Two modes:
    1. Seal and cut: simultaneous ultrasonic and bipolar energy
    2. Seal: purely bipolar energy for vessel sealing
  • Sensors measure tissue impedance to prevent excess energy delivery

Note: Choice of device depends on preference, availability, and cost. All of above devices are almost equal in clinical trials.

Hazards of Electrosurgery #

A. Electrothermal Injuries #

General Surgery Risks #

  1. Diathermy pad burns
  2. Insulation failure
    • Breaks in active electrode insulation (common in distal third)
    • Current can discharge from defects

Laparoscopic Surgery Specific Risks #

  • Off-camera injuries (1-5 per 1000 laparoscopies)
Direct Coupling #
  • If the electrosurgical unit (ESU) is accidentally activated while the active electrode is close to another metal instrument, current can flow through that second instrument.
Capacitance Coupling #
  • A capacitor forms when two conductors are separated by a non-conductor.

  • An electrostatic field is created between the conductors, allowing alternating current (AC) to pass through (but not direct current).

  • How It Works: The active electrode (Conductor 1) can pass current through intact insulation (Non-conductor) into an adjacent metal object (Conductor 2) like a trocar or even nearby bowel.

  • Prevention: Activate electrosurgical device only after the electrode is in contact with the target tissue, the energy will go directly into the tissue.


  • Don’t activate monopolar diathermy before the electrode touches the target tissue.
  • the current might pass through the insulation into the adjacent conductor.


  • Capacitance coupling in open surgery
    • A towel clip can cause similar issues if used to hold the electrosurgery wires.
    • If the towel clip touches the patient, it could cause burns.

B. Fire and Explosion Risks #

  • Caused by alcohol-based skin preparations

C. Electrosurgical Smoke #

  • Carcinogenic
  • Irritates respiratory mucosa
  • Can transmit viral infections

Preventing Electrothermal Damage #

  • Always keep the active electrode in full view.
  • Tenting Technique: Lift tissue away from surrounding structures before activating the ESU.
  • When to Activate:
    • Only activate the ESU when you have a clear view of the field and the electrode is in contact with the tissue. Avoid non-contact activation.
  • Power Usage: Use the lowest voltage mode necessary to achieve the desired effect. Avoid overshooting power settings.
  • Handling the Electrode:
    • The tip stays hot for several secondsβ€”don’t let it touch anything inside or outside the body. The scrub nurse should place it in a quiver.
  • Single Use Electrodes:
    • Discard after one use; do not reuse.
  • Consider Alternatives:
    • Use bipolar or ultrasonic electrosurgical devices if available.