⛑️ General Surgery

General Surgery Exam Topics #

Common short answer topics #

Abdominal Surgery
  • Abdominal TB
  • CBD Stone - Modern Management
  • Cholecystitis - Aetiology and Diagnosis
  • Large Bowel Obstruction - Malignant, Management of
  • Low Urine Output 24 Hours After Major Abdominal Surgery
  • Pancreatitis - Acute, Complications
  • Sigmoid Volvulus
  • Femoral Hernia - Strangulated
  • Incisional Hernias - Factors That Influence the Development
  • Inguinal Hernia Repair - Laparoscopic Method
Neck Surgery
  • Anterior Triangle of the Neck - Lump In
  • Hypotension - Acute Occurring After 3 Days of Block Dissection of the Neck
  • Parotid Area - Differential Diagnosis of Lump In
  • Parotidectomy Consent
  • Submandibular Salivary Gland Swelling
  • Thyroglossal Tract Anomaly
Breast & Endocrine Surgery
  • Lumps in the Breast
  • Solitary Thyroid Nodule
  • Thyroid - Clinically Solitary Nodule
  • Thyroid - Medullary Carcinoma
  • Thyroid Carcinoma Diagnosis
  • Thyroidectomy Complications
Urological Surgery
  • Circumcision
  • Scrotal Swelling in the Adult
  • Torsion of the Testis
Wound and Skin Management
  • Burns - Management
  • Skin Defects Management
  • Ulceration of Finger - One Hand
  • Wound Healing - Factors That Delay
  • Wound Infection - Prevention
Trauma and Emergency Surgery
  • Fall on Outstretched Hand
  • Ventilation - Assisted Role in the Management of Major Trauma
Surgical Techniques and Instruments
  • Biopsy - Techniques with Their Indications and Limitations
  • Diathermy
  • Diathermy - Complications in Open Surgery
  • Laparoscopy in General Surgery
  • Local Anaesthesia - Techniques Used
  • Operating Theatre - Preventing Inadvertent Harm to the Patient
  • OT - Preparation of Surgical Instruments
  • Stents
  • RCT - Principles, Design
Surgical Management and Considerations
  • Audit - Surgical
  • Blood - Minimizing the Use of Bank Blood for Major Surgery
  • Computers in Surgery - Role of
  • Day Case Surgery - AD/DA
  • Ethical Committee - Composition and Function
  • MRSA - Steps to Be Taken in Managing in the Ward
  • Surgical Operation - Factors Contributing to a Shorter Hospital Stay
Postoperative Care
  • Haemorrhage
  • Post-Op Complications
  • Pyrexia - Post-Op
Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Issues
  • Dysphagia - Diagnosis and Causes
  • Perianal Pain - Diagnosis and Management
  • Rectal Bleeding - Fresh
  • CTS
  • HIV/HBV Infection Precautions When Operating On
  • Immunosuppressive Therapy
  • Radioisotope Bone Scanning - Diagnostic Uses
  • Salivary Calculi
  • Ulnar Nerve Injury - Causes and Clinical Features
  • Cardiac Problem Assessment in a Patient Needing Major Surgery

Operative Surgery Topics #

  • Abscess - breast / parotid / intra-abdominal / perinephric
  • Drainage of pelvic abscess
  • Palmar abscess drainage
  • Pharyngeal abscess drainage
Abdominal Procedures
  • Burst abdomen
  • Fistulectomy
Upper GI
  • Bleeding duodenal ulcer
  • Gastroduodenal perforation
  • Gastrostomy / Gastrojejunostomy / Pyloroplasty
  • Partial gastrectomy
  • Oesophagectomy - approaches
  • Cystogastrostomy
  • Cardiomyotomy
Lower GI
  • Appendicectomy
  • Feeding jejunostomy
  • Ileostomy
  • APR / AR
  • Bowel resection and anastamosis
  • Colostomy
  • Hartmann’s procedure
  • Right / Left Hemicolectomy
  • Approach to pancreas
  • Pseudopancreatic cyst - cystogastrostomy
  • Whipple’s surgery
  • Cholecystectomy
  • Splenectomy
  • Femoral hernia - Low / High / Transinguinal
  • Inguinal hernia
  • Inguinal hernia - Bassini / Shouldice / Mesh
  • Strangulated hernia - inguinal / femoral
  • PUH, Incisional hernia - anatomical / Mayo’s / Mesh
Breast & Thyroid
  • Breast lump excision
  • Mastectomy
  • Subcutaneous Mastectomy
  • Retrosternal thyroid
  • Thyroidectomy
  • Circumcision
  • Orchidectomy
  • Orchidopexy
  • Varicocele (Evansvich ?)
  • Varicocoelectomy
  • Hydrocele (Jaboulay’s, Lord’s)
  • Testicular torsion
Neck and Thyroid Procedures
  • Branchial cyst excision
  • Branchial fistula excision
  • Excision of suprahyoid cyst
  • Thyroglossal cyst excision
  • Cervical LN biopsy / Scalene node biopsy
  • Submandibular sialadenectomy
  • Sistrunk’s operation
  • Tracheostomy
Skin and Soft Tissue
  • Carbuncle
  • Lipoma
  • Sebaceous cyst excision
  • Sinus exploration
  • Ganglion
  • Nail (Zadek’s)
Emergency & Miscellaneous Procedures
  • CPR
  • Catheterisation
  • NG tube
  • Central venous line insertion + tunneled line
  • FNAC
  • Nerve block - Digital / Others
Orthopedic Procedures
  • Carpal tunnel decompression
  • Hip joint - antero-lateral approach
  • Toe / Finger amputation

Prinicples of surgery topics #

Preoperative Preparation and Considerations
  • Assessment of fitness for surgery
  • Consent
  • Preoperative preparation for surgery
  • Preparation for surgery - DM, jaundice, HT
  • Preparations in surgery - Bowel, Thyroid
  • Screening - principles
  • Screening for surgical disease
Anesthesia and Pain Management
  • Anaesthesia - General
  • Anaesthesia - Local / blocks
  • Anaesthesia - methods, and purpose of monitoring during major surgery
  • Anaesthesia - Regional
  • Post operative pain
Surgical Techniques and Procedures
  • Abdominal incisions
  • Damage control surgery
  • Day case surgery
  • Evolution of inguinal hernia repair
  • Laparostomy
  • Minimal access surgery
  • Surgical access - incisions
Postoperative Care and Complications
  • Post operative anuria
  • Post operative complications
  • Post operative confusion
  • Post operative hypoxia
  • Post operative pyrexia
  • Post operative urine retention
  • Post operative jaundice
  • Wound healing, WT and wound management
  • Wound infection - post operative
Surgical Equipment and Techniques
  • Bloodless operative fields
  • Diathermy
  • Drains / drainage
  • Principles - Laser, Diathermy, Cryotherapy
  • Prostheses, implants in surgery
  • Sutures, needles and knots
  • Tourniquet
Surgical Environments and Safety
  • Asepsis in OT / prevention of infection in surgical practice
  • Asepsis in Surgery - skin preparation, sterilisation
  • Hazards in OT
  • Infection risks to the surgeon
  • Operative theatre design
  • Wrong site surgery
Special Surgical Considerations
  • AIDS and surgery
  • Alcohol and surgery
  • Anaemia in surgery
  • Diabetes and surgery
  • Hypertension in surgery
  • Obesity and surgery
  • Surgery and pregnancy
  • Surgery in elderly
  • Surgery in the elderly
Emergency and Critical Care
  • Acute abdominal pain
  • Anaphylactic shock - treatment
  • Post operative pyrexia
  • Stridor after thyroid surgery
Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition
  • Acid base balance
  • Fluid and electrolyte balance
  • Nutrition support - enteral
  • Nutrition support - parenteral
Imaging and Diagnostics
  • Imaging in Acute abdomen
  • Imaging techniques - CT
  • Imaging techniques - Duplex
  • Imaging techniques - MRI
  • Imaging techniques - USS
  • Imaging techniques - X rays
  • Radiology - Interventional, principles of CT, MRI, USS
Infection and Antibiotics
  • Antibiotics - Policy, Prophylaxis
  • Extra-pulmonary TB - Cervical LN, intestinal, GUT, spinal, CNS, arthritis, peritonitis
  • Gas gangrene
  • Nosocomial infections
  • Necrotising fasciitis, fournier’s gangrene, Meleny’s gangrene
  • Tetanus
Specialized Surgical Conditions and Interventions
  • Abdominal abscess - intra - principles of management
  • Abdominal compartment
  • Breast - benign disease
  • Burns management
  • Calculi - GB, Urinary
  • Care of the terminally ill
  • Chronic illness, rehabilitation
  • Dialysis
  • Fast track surgery
  • Leprosy - surgical intervention
  • Vomiting
Miscellaneous Topics
  • Blood and blood products
  • Blood transfusions - massive, hazards
  • Calcium metabolism
  • Clinical trials
  • Duplex scanning in surgery
  • Evidence based practice
  • Genetics in surgery
  • Haemostasis in surgery
  • Interventional radiology
  • Metabolic response to trauma / surgery
  • Nutrition support - enteral
  • Nutrition support - parenteral
  • Positioning
  • Positioning in surgery
  • Rehabilitation
  • Smoking and surgery
  • Sterilisation & disinfection
  • Surgical audit
  • Surgical dressings and applications
  • Tissue culture / cloning - impact in surgery

General surgery articles