πŸ¦€ Principles of surgery Topics

Principles of Surgery Topics #

Accident and Emergency #

  1. Blast injury
  2. Compartment syndrome
  3. Critically injured patient
  4. Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage
  5. Fat embolism
  6. Foreign bodies in surgery
  7. Imaging in Trauma
  8. Intensive care
  9. Mass disaster - planning
  10. Neck - penetrating injury
  11. Poly trauma
  12. Resuscitation - ATLS, Triage, CPR, MESS
  13. Triage

General Surgery #

Preoperative Preparation and Considerations #

  1. Assessment of fitness for surgery
  2. Consent
  3. Preoperative preparation for surgery
  4. Preparation for surgery - DM, jaundice, HT
  5. Preparations in surgery - Bowel, Thyroid
  6. Screening - principles
  7. Screening for surgical disease

Anesthesia and Pain Management #

  1. Anaesthesia - General
  2. Anaesthesia - Local / blocks
  3. Anaesthesia - methods, and purpose of monitoring during major surgery
  4. Anaesthesia - Regional
  5. Post operative pain

Surgical Techniques and Procedures #

  1. Abdominal incisions
  2. Damage control surgery
  3. Day case surgery
  4. Evolution of inguinal hernia repair
  5. Laparostomy
  6. Minimal access surgery
  7. Surgical access - incisions

Postoperative Care and Complications #

  1. Post operative anuria
  2. Post operative complications
  3. Post operative confusion
  4. Post operative hypoxia
  5. Post operative pyrexia
  6. Post operative urine retention
  7. Post operative jaundice
  8. Wound healing, WT and wound management
  9. Wound infection - post operative

Surgical Equipment and Techniques #

  1. Bloodless operative fields
  2. Diathermy
  3. Drains / drainage
  4. Principles - Laser, Diathermy, Cryotherapy
  5. Prostheses, implants in surgery
  6. Sutures, needles and knots
  7. Tourniquet

Surgical Environments and Safety #

  1. Asepsis in OT / prevention of infection in surgical practice
  2. Asepsis in Surgery - skin preparation, sterilisation
  3. Hazards in OT
  4. Infection risks to the surgeon
  5. Operative theatre design
  6. Wrong site surgery

Special Surgical Considerations #

  1. AIDS and surgery
  2. Alcohol and surgery
  3. Anaemia in surgery
  4. Diabetes and surgery
  5. Hypertension in surgery
  6. Obesity and surgery
  7. Surgery and pregnancy
  8. Surgery in elderly
  9. Surgery in the elderly

Emergency and Critical Care #

  1. Acute abdominal pain
  3. Anaphylactic shock - treatment
  4. Post operative pyrexia
  5. Stridor after thyroid surgery

Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition #

  1. Acid base balance
  2. Fluid and electrolyte balance
  3. Nutrition support - enteral
  4. Nutrition support - parenteral

Imaging and Diagnostics #

  1. Imaging in Acute abdomen
  2. Imaging techniques - CT
  3. Imaging techniques - Duplex
  4. Imaging techniques - MRI
  5. Imaging techniques - USS
  6. Imaging techniques - X rays
  7. Radiology - Interventional, principles of CT, MRI, USS

Infection and Antibiotics #

  1. Antibiotics - Policy, Prophylaxis
  2. Extra-pulmonary TB - Cervical LN, intestinal, GUT, spinal, CNS, arthritis, peritonitis
  3. Gas gangrene
  4. Nosocomial infections
  5. Necrotising fasciitis, fournier’s gangrene, Meleny’s gangrene
  6. Tetanus

Specialized Surgical Conditions and Interventions #

  1. Abdominal abscess - intra - principles of management
  2. Abdominal compartment
  3. Breast - benign disease
  4. Burns management
  5. Calculi - GB, Urinary
  6. Care of the terminally ill
  7. Chronic illness, rehabilitation
  8. Dialysis
  9. Fast track surgery
  10. Leprosy - surgical intervention
  11. Vomiting

Miscellaneous Topics #

  1. Blood and blood products
  2. Blood transfusions - massive, hazards
  3. Calcium metabolism
  4. Clinical trials
  5. Duplex scanning in surgery
  6. Evidence based practice
  7. Genetics in surgery
  8. Haemostasis in surgery
  9. Interventional radiology
  10. Metabolic response to trauma / surgery
  11. Nutrition support - enteral
  12. Nutrition support - parenteral
  13. Positioning
  14. Positioning in surgery
  15. Rehabilitation
  16. Smoking and surgery
  17. Sterilisation & disinfection
  18. Surgical audit
  19. Surgical dressings and applications
  20. Tissue culture / cloning - impact in surgery

GI Surgery #

Gastrointestinal (GI) and Colorectal #

  1. Anastomoses - GI, GU, Vascular
  2. Colorectal Emergencies
  3. Colorectal Polyps
  4. Constipation - chronic, childhood
  5. Constipation and diarrhoea
  6. Enterocutaneous fistula
  7. Faecal incontinence
  8. Intestinal failure / short bowel syndrome
  9. Lower GI bleeding
  10. Management of intestinal obstruction
  11. small bowel tumours
  12. Strictures

Biliary and Liver #

  1. Biliary strictures
  2. Hepatorenal failure
  3. Imaging in Biliary disease
  4. Liver disease and surgery
  5. Mirizzi syndrome

Endoscopy and Imaging #

  1. Endoscopic technique
  2. Endoscopy - upper/lower alimentary
  3. Preparation of patients for Ba enema
  4. Preparation of patients for Ba swallow / meal
  5. Preparation of patients for Endoscopy - UGIE/LGIE
  6. Preparation of patients for ERCP

Upper GI #

  1. Helicobacter pylori
  2. Management of strangulated hernia
  3. Oesophageal replacements
  4. Polyps
  5. Post gastrectomy syndromes
  6. Premalignant conditions of the GIT
  7. Upper GI bleeding

Stoma Care #

  1. Stoma care

GU Surgery #

  1. Complications of TURP
  2. Erectile dysfunction
  3. ESWL
  4. Imaging in Urology
  5. Laser, cryotherapy, thermoablation, HIFU
  6. Preparation of patients for IVU
  7. Renal disease and surgery
  8. Scrotal swelling in the adult
  9. Ureteric injuries
  10. Urethral strictures
  11. Urinary retension - acute, chronic

Neurosurgery #

  1. Spinal cord compression

Oncosurgery #

  1. Chemotherapy in malignancy
  2. CUP
  3. Epidemiology of malignancy in SL
  4. FNA, Frozen section, Biopsy
  5. Imaging in Oncology
  6. Malignancy - molecular basis and prevention
  7. Malignant ascites
  8. Metastases - bone, liver
  9. Pain relief in cancer
  10. Palliation in surgery
  11. Paraneoplastic syndrome
  12. Pathogenesis of cancer / carcinogenesis
  13. Pigmented cutaneous lesions
  14. Radiotherapy in malignancy
  15. Specimen handling and fixation
  16. Surgery in Malignancy
  17. Terminal care
  18. Tumour markers

Paediatric surgery #

  1. Abdominal emergencies in new born
  2. Limping child
  3. Talipes equino varus
  4. Transport of a neonate
  5. Vomiting in infants
  6. Vomiting in neonates

Plastic surgery #

  1. Hand infections, injuries
  2. Principles of hand surgery / zones / pulleys
  3. Principles of skin cover
  4. Skin and soft tissue cover

Thoracic #

  1. Respiratory disease in surgery

Vascular surgery #

  1. Arteriography in surgery
  2. Diabetic foot
  3. DVT
  4. limb swelling - unilateral
  5. Preparation of patients for Angiography
  6. Pulmonary embolism
  7. Transplantation -ethical issues
  8. Vascular access / venous access