Operative Surgery

🌸 Mastectomy

August 5, 2024
Operative Surgery, Breast Surgery, Endocrine Surgery
Axillary Vein, Long Thoracic Nerve, Thoracodorsal Nerve, Axilla

MASTECTOMY # Pre-operative # Consent # Discuss reconstruction options. Present alternatives (e.g., Breast-Conserving Surgery). Inform about post-operative chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Explain potential post-operative complications. Pre-operative Ward Preparation # Mark the surgical site. Mark the incision in the supine position and verify in the sitting position. Ensure 1 pint of blood is ready. Shave the axilla. In the Theatre # Preparation # WHO safety checklist. Position patient supine arm abducted at 90 degrees on an arm board, with a sandbag under the ipsilateral scapula. ...

🐡 Operative surgery Topics

August 4, 2024
Operative Surgery

General surgery # Abscess # Abscess - breast / parotid / intra-abdominal / perinephric Drainage of pelvic abscess Palmar abscess drainage Pharyngeal abscess drainage Abdominal Procedures # Burst abdomen Fistulectomy Upper GI # Bleeding duodenal ulcer Gastroduodenal perforation Gastrostomy / Gastrojejunostomy / Pyloroplasty Partial gastrectomy Oesophagectomy - approaches Cystogastrostomy Cardiomyotomy Lower GI # Appendicectomy Feeding jejunostomy Ileostomy APR / AR Bowel resection and anastamosis Colostomy Hartmann’s procedure Right / Left Hemicolectomy Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary # Approach to pancreas Pseudopancreatic cyst - cystogastrostomy Whipple’s surgery Cholecystectomy Splenectomy Hernia # Femoral hernia - Low / High / Transinguinal Inguinal hernia Inguinal hernia - Bassini / Shouldice / Mesh Strangulated hernia - inguinal / femoral PUH, Incisional hernia - anatomical / Mayo’s / Mesh Breast & Thyroid # Breast lump excision Mastectomy Subcutaneous Mastectomy Retrosternal thyroid Thyroidectomy Genitourinary # Circumcision Orchidectomy Orchidopexy Varicocele (Evansvich ? ...